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Kashmir Shaivism Community Home

Shaivite Org is an online community of experts and beginners in pursuit of Spiritual Enlightenment.

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Kashmir Shaivism

Universal Spiritual Philosophy

Kashmir Shaivism is not a religion or a religious practice. In its purest form, it just a spiritual philosophy that helps you reach self-realization.

Events | Experts | Knowledge

Dance of Shiva - Shakti

In the non-dualistic (God and Man are one) school of philosophy, Kashmir Shavisim, Kshemraj (the author of Pratibighnyahridayam ) explains the reality as a synthesis of Prakash and Vimarsha or the dance of Shiva and Shakti. Dr. Mrinal Kaul, a scholar from IIT Bombay, elaborates in this wonderful lecture.

Learning about Kashmir Shaivism


Supreme Consciousness - that is present in everything and everywhere.


Manifestation of Supreme Consciousness with Agency of Thought and Mindful action.

Shiva Sutras

Vasugupta discovered them. Abhinavagupta transcribed them. Kshemraja simplified them.

36 Tattvas (The Elements)

Shakti (Spandan) drives descent from Shiva to Jeeva (Veiling) followed by ascent from Jeeva to Shiva (Unveiling)


Sadhana. A deliberate and persistent effort to reach Recognition.


The Scientific methods of pursuing the spiritual path to self-awakening.


Process by which Jeeva ascends to Shiva or Recognition of self as Supreme Consciousness


Spread knowledge and help seekers reach enlightenment.

For Your Information

What is Shaivite.org all about?

We are a newly formed organization geared to bring Kashmir Shaivism and other schools of Shaivism together into a single platform.

What are the events I can join?

Visit our events page and join the events to make most out of your membership with Shaivite.Org. View Events

Why Shaivite?

According to the Kashmir Shaivism scriptures everything is Siva (Shiva) - or Supreme Consciousness and our lives are vibrations of energy - also known as Shakti. The Siva-Shakti dance is what creates the Universe - so every particle of this Universe is part of the Supreme Consciousness. A person who accepts this idea and lives by the principles of Kashmir Shaivism is a Shaivite. Being a Shaivite does not require you to be a practicing Hindu or being religious in any way. Expanding that a little bit more - you could be practicing any faith - like Islam, Christiantiy and Buddhism to name a few, and still be a Shaivite. So, welcome!

What is Kashmir Shaivism?

Kashmir Shaivism is a Universal Spiritual Philosophy. It is based on Shiv-Agamas. In Hindu traditions, Agamas are considered to be principles of spirituality that are transferred to humans by Supreme Consciousness in a spontaneous manifestation. Watch YouTube Shorts - Watch Here!

Shaivite Community Offerings

WhatsApp Community

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Sofa Shaivism Blog

Sofa Shaivism is our Official Blog, where we share deeper dives into different topics.

Online Lectures / Courses

We bring experts to you. Learn from the expert lectures and build your knowledge. We bring your courses in different formats for different audiences.

Community Events

We facilitates community events where you meet with your peers and learn from them.


We facilitate experts to meet and build courses and lectures as offerings.

Piligrimage Groups

We facilitate visits to Shaivite Sites through partnerships

International Support

We help citizens of the world come together for learning and practice.